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Michigan TIPS, Issue # 008 Too Very Enough
February 19, 2023

Too, Very, Enough…

The following can present tricky situations on your examination so I decided to give you a quick review of the following words.


Very, Too, Enough, Each, Both, Else, Other, All, Whole


In fact, while doing classes this year I’ve noticed a real problem among my students with these lately.

These items will be tested and if you’re not extra careful, they can cost you some valuable points on your exam.

Ready to review?

Here goes….




She is very short. = true statement

She is too short to play basketball. = negative meaning

NOT … very short to …

She is tall enough to play basketball. = positive meaning

NOT … enough tall to …


Too much + noun

There was too much sugar in the tea.

Much too + adjective

The tea was much too sweet to drink.

NOT … was too much sweet …

** very much — is normally used after the object

I like Picasso’s paintings very much.

NOT … I like … very much … Picasso’s paintings. 

Each & Both

Each takes a singular verb if it is followed directly by a noun.

Each book has been sold over the internet.

Each takes a singular or plural verb if followed by of + pronoun / noun.

Each of them is / are to take the test.

Both needs a plural verb.

Both athletes were competing for the gold medal.

Both of the athletes were in competition for the gold medal.

All & Whole

All + Noun

All students must sign in.

All (of) + the, this, that, these, those, my, your, etc.

He wasted all (of) his time playing video games.

All of + you, it, us, them:

All of you need to leave this area immediately.

Whole the, a, this, my, etc. + whole + noun

The + whole of the + noun

The whole meal was a disaster. (= every part of the meal)

The whole of the class. OR: The whole class.

**NOTE: He complained the whole time.

OR: He complained all the time.


Someone, anyone, no one, everyone, etc. + else

They must be someone else’s.

NOT: … someone’s else.

Who, what, where, how + else

They must be at home. Where else could they be?

Every other day (= every second day)

I go the health club every other day.

The other day (= a few days ago or before)

I saw him the other day going into the mall parking lot.

None other than (= no one else but) shows surprise

My new neighbor turned out to be none other than a friend from grade school!

** NOTEAnother + expressions of distance, money or time

If you want breakfast included, it’ll cost you another $10 per night.

In another year, we’ll have paid off our car loan.



Teaching + Inspiration + Practice = Success

Good learning everyone!

Till next time…



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