Description of A Process

The description of a process should follow certain rules…

First of all, each paragraph in the body of a description of a process highlights a major stage of the procedure.

Each stage may group several steps dependent upon the nature and complexity of the process being described.

Specific steps are presented in chronological order. Definitions of specific terms and advice may be given by the author.

No step can be left out as every step must be included!

As mentioned on the previous page, transitional words and phrases are necessary so that each step and each paragraph lead logically to the next.
Transitional words should not be repeated so often that they become tiring to the reader. A variety of transitional words should be used to keep your description of a process fresh and free flowing for the reader.

In the essay below, the transition words are highlighted to give you a feel of how it’s done.

Description of a process essays are frequently found in baking or cooking instructions when the individual needs to follow specific steps in a process to prepare a favorite dish or to try out the latest health food recipe.

Sample Description of a Process – Grilled Lamb Chops

If you haven’t ever tried them, you’d be hard pressed to find a more delicious item for your outdoor grill than irresistibly delicious, lamb chops. By following the simple steps outlined below you too can enjoy the great taste of the most excellent of all grilled meats.

First, chose lamb chops from a reputable butcher. Tell them exactly how you want them cut (thick is best) and be sure to let them know that they are for the grill. In this way, you will be certain to get meat that can take the heat of the grill without shrivelling away to nothing but a bunch of charred bones. You should figure on about a pound of meat for each average adult.

Next, make a marinade to soak the meat in before you grill them. Figure anywhere from 8 to 24 hours for the meat to marinade (the longer the better). To make the marinade combine a table spoon of dried mustard powder with a table spoon each of salt and pepper in a small bowl. (this is the dry mixture) Then, combine the juice of three whole lemons with a cup or more (depending on the amount of meat) of white wine and a few sprinkles of wine vinegar. (this is the wet mixture)

After the marinade mixtures are prepared, place the meat side by side in a large flat pan. Next, pour the wet mixture over the meat so that the bottom of the pan is covered and making sure that most of the meat is covered as well. Once the meat is covered with the wet mixture let it set for a few hours. After a period of time, flip the meat over and cover the meat with the dry mixture. Squeeze a lemon over the top of the meat to cause the dry mixture to stick to the meat.

While the meat is marinating start the grill by setting fire to the charcoal briquettes. When the briquettes near readiness (they should be nearly white with little or no visible flames) place the grate of the grill over the flames so that it can become hot (after it has been cleaned from the last cook out).

Finally, place the meat onto the grate over the fire. The meat should be turned a few times to prevent its burning and is ready when the meat is cooked fully through without signs of excess burning. Serve with potatoes and salad, and maybe a good wine or an ice cold beer. Once you take your first bite you’ll definitely join the “I love grilled lamb chops club”.

Description of a process